General rope skills I.e. coiling, inspection, general care and maintenance.
Looking at a variety of environments, artificial walls and real rock crags.
Effective communication.
Qualified instructors
Day to Day
Day 01
Introduction to rock climbing
Students are introduced to the fundamentals of climbing, including PPE and safety aspects. Students have a chance to practically apply these skills on an artificial climbing wall. Managing each others safety (with appropriate backups). Students begin looking at their own personal climbing skills development, effective movement etc. General rope skills covered, care and inspection of ropes. Debrief and review of learning.
Day 02
Transition to crag
Recap of the previous day's learning. Students are given the opportunity to progress previously learnt skills in a new environment (on real rock crag). Effective climbing communication and teamwork development. Consolidation of key skills and learning.
Our focuses are safety, environment, cultural awareness, adventure, learning, and of course fun!
Our staff are highly trained and possess extensive knowledge about the region in a variety of
specialized fields. This ensures that we will provide the most comprehensive programs possible to
the greatest number of students.
Our goal is to get students out of the classroom and into the environment to actively experience
and learn about this beautiful country firsthand. We operate 3 camp locations throughout the UAE
and utilize several secondary sites which cover all the ecosystems of the UAE.